Court decison is end of Obama error – Krauthammer and the Judge

June 29, 2012 09:51

Romney is the big winner in the court decision that defined the Obamacare mandate as a tax but upheld it as constitutional. The sleeping giant is about to roar. The angry mobs that swept Republicans to power in 2010 and gave Obama a “shellacking” will coalesce around Romney as evidenced by his four million dollar bump in fundraising after the decision came out.

In 2008 many Americans had a collective brain cloud and were duped by the vague heartening message of “hope and change” which has turned into hopelessness and change for the worse. Electing Obama is probably the biggest error the American people ever made. The court’s decision will help correct the mistake.


From IBD Editorials:


When Vladimir I. Lenin sought to remake Russian society into a “proletariats’ paradise,” he targeted three sectors for control: health care, banking and education. Sound familiar?

Of these three, however, Lenin viewed socialized medicine as the “keystone” to building his socialist utopia.


As a result, “there still exists a great shortage of physicians and hospitals,” ….


Rationing became necessary. Elderly patients were often turned away from care. Death panels appointed by the health commissar decided their fate.


… Obama vowed to demolish “structural inequalities” in America and rebuild the economy on three new “pillars” — socialized medicine, banking and higher education.


A key part of his massive new health bureaucracy is a Soviet-style panel that has received little press attention — the Independent Payment Advisory Board. [The infamous death panel]


Russians suffered through 70 years of Lenincare. By the end of the century, the USSR was infamous for having one of the worst health-care systems in the world.

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