Saving the silly suckers of the South Pacific – withdraw from Kyoto

December 14, 2011 08:31

Europe’s worship of Kyoto has led them into their current fiscal mess. Believing they are gods who can control the climate by demonising carbon, they have spent a fortune on green energy, carbon trading and international junkets that has exacerbated their deficits and now condemns their industry and consumers to expensive and unreliable energy.

by Viv Forbes Chairman, The Carbon Sense Coalition

The Carbon Sense Coalition today claimed that Australia and New Zealand should follow Canada and immediately withdraw from the failed Kyoto Protocol.

The Chairman of “Carbon Sense” Mr Viv Forbes, said that man does not control climate and carbon demonization was the greatest mass delusion since the Tulip Mania and Y2K.

“With Canada deciding to cut and run, no country in the Americas bears Kyoto liabilities. And with the announcement by Japan that it will not renew its membership, there will be no Kyoto bunnies in Asia. It is time for the two lonely suckers in the South Pacific to also withdraw.

“Kyoto has achieved nothing useful. Some countries such as Russia achieved fraudulent cuts by retrospectively choosing their base year to take advantage of the plant closures that followed the Soviet collapse. Others evaded real cuts by paying for often phantom cuts in other countries. Australia used larceny to seize carbon credits by banning regrowth clearing on private farmland. New Zealand is sacrificing their forestry industry on the Kyoto altar.

“Europe’s worship of Kyoto has led them into their current fiscal mess. Believing they are gods who can control the climate by demonising carbon, they have spent a fortune on green energy, carbon trading and international junkets that has exacerbated their deficits and now condemns their industry and consumers to expensive and unreliable energy.

“The future for Australia and New Zealand lies around the vibrant Pacific, not in the European backwater. We should abandon Kyoto, cease wasting money on the IPCC, abolish all climate change bureaucracies and repeal all carbon tax and trade legislation.

“The money saved should be used to develop appropriate infrastructure to cope with the inevitable natural disasters whenever they occur.”

Viv Forbes

Rosewood Qld Australia

0754 640 533

Viv Forbes is Chairman of the Carbon Sense Coalition which opposes waste of resources, opposes pollution, and promotes the rational and sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food.

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