Occupying the Minds of Our Youth

November 4, 2011 05:07

“Considering Democracy in Occupy Wall Street,” was the title of a teaching guide recommended for grades 4-7. The lesson plan was assembled by the Morningstar Center, a leftwing organization that teaches “social responsibility.”

By Brian Sussman at American Thinker


A friend of mine is employed by a public elementary school in Santa Cruz, California.  In the teacher’s lounge he found some troubling materials stacked on a table dedicated to the California Teachers Association.

In the guide we read,

“…there are some ways that our country isn’t always democratic, even though people do have rights such as a vote and free speech. Ask students if they can think of some examples. (Examples include: people and corporations with lots of money can make political contributions that give them more influence over our government than other people. Another: people who have a lot of power and resources can pay to have their opinion heard.)”

What’s ironic is that this material is being offered at a resource area sponsored by a very wealthy teachers union.  Unions are corporations, and influence politics as much, or more, than most other organizations — especially in California!

The guide goes on to describe the Occupy movement for the school children:

Occupy Wall Street is a group of activists who want to change the way money, wealth, and income are distributed in the U.S. They want to change the fact that there is a very big difference between how much money and wealth rich and poor people have.  Also, they want to make our country more democratic so that even people with little money and power can have more of a voice.

Also on the resource table was another lesson entitled, “Ten Chair Simulation of the Distribution of Wealth.”  The plan was produced by Polly Kellogg, a teacher at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota (her specialty is “neocolonialism and global consequences of corporate capitalism”).


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