Union Thuggery Run Amok

March 25, 2011 07:30

They’re all disturbing signs of a union going mad over its own irrelevance and taking up more goonish tactics. Whatever it is, it has no place in civil society, and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

IBD Editorials


Big Labor: Having lost its war on economics, the SEIU has declared war on the economy. Literally. One of its top minds was caught vowing to crash the stock market to redistribute wealth. Is this a union or a subversive group?

Lerner has a “secret plan” scheduled for May to “destabilize” the U.S. economy to redistribute wealth.

“What does the other side fear most?” Lerner asked. “They fear disruption, they fear uncertainty.”

It was crazy talk, but with specific aims: a mass mortgage strike and student loan default to crash banks such as JPMorgan, which SEIU has been trying to unionize since at least 2007. Nevermind what a stock market crash to teach Wall Street a lesson would do to workers’ pensions.

Lerner’s had face time with high-level White House officials over the past two years, in at least two documented meetings. His close colleague Stern got even more.

And right about now, the SEIU, still furious about its failed Wisconsin strike, has begun to take on a radicalism that stands to take the rest of the economy hostage.

A week earlier, food company Sodexo USA filed a suit against SEIU, accusing it of extortion and “dirty tricks.” Among other things, union thugs are accused of flinging plastic cockroaches over the company’s meals and terrorizing patients about rat droppings in their food to muscle Sodexo workers into its union.

Then there are the two SEIU leaders in Chicago whose close ties with terrorist groups Hamas and Colombia’s FARC are under FBI probe. Sound like a merger?


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