Tax Hike Planned For Lame-Duck Session

August 2, 2010 06:17

The President told his commission that “everything has to be on the table.”  Translated, this means the commission needs to marry small, symbolic spending cuts with higher taxes on the average American.  –

by  Brian Darling at

Liberals in Congress have a plan to raise your taxes after the elections this fall, something they must do to continue feeding the Obama Administration’s spending addiction.  Watch for them to act after the midterm elections under the cover of the report from the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

You don’t need a commission to see that President Obama’s policies have led to out-of-control federal spending and a growing federal government.  According to the Congressional Budget Office, publicly held federal debt will hit 62% by the end of this fiscal year.  Compare this to 2007, when publicly held federal debt was at 36%.  If the President and the commission don’t recommend comprehensive reform of entitlement programs, then the government will have to try to raise taxes radically on all Americans to pay for Obamacare, a potential new stimulus plan, and to service the ballooning federal debt.


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