Imposing Islam in Your Public School in Six Easy Steps

May 9, 2010 19:52

Check out this “instruction sheet” to Muslims on how to islamicize their public schools. There is no separation of mosque and state — mosque is state in Islam.

From Atlas Shrugs

Check out this “instruction sheet” to Muslims on how to islamicize their public schools. There is no separation of mosque and state — mosque is state in Islam.

If this guide shows us anything, it’s what idiots they take us for. This is, of course, an outrage. None of this should be introduced into the public school. If this is what Muslim parents want, they should send their children to madrassah.

This is an Islamic site — Sound Vision Islamic Products and Information

By Sound Vision Staff writer

Does your child need a prayer room to perform Zuhr in during lunchtime? Does he need time off for Juma? Or do you want to convince a teacher or principal to give your daughter the day off for Eid-ul-Fitr?

Whatever Islamic obligation you want accommodated at your child’s school, it must be done in a methodical, clear and proper manner.

Shabbir Mansuri is founding director of the Council on Islamic Education in Fountain Valley, California.

He provides tips and advice on how to get religious accommodation for your child.

Step #1: know the laws about religious freedom

Knowing what laws and regulations govern the issue of religious accommodation is crucial before attempting to reach the right authorities. It is also important to understand what is defined as a “reasonable limit” on religious freedom.

See Laws You Need To Know About for the specifics.

In the United States, one of the strongest arguments in favor of seeking religious accommodation for your child is former President Bill Clinton’s 1995 statement of principles addressing the extent to which religious expression and activity are permitted in public school. This was given to every school district in the US.

Get the help of other officials if necessary to properly understand these laws. A good place to check with is The Freedom Forum First Amendment Center. They have produced a booklet entitled A Parent’s Guide to Religion in the Public Schools. You can call them at .

Step #2: get the support of a teacher


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