As Dean, Elena Kagan Moved Harvard Away From Requiring Law Students to Study Constitutional Law

May 28, 2010 04:35

She moved the nation’s premier law school away from requiring the study of constitutional law towards the study of the laws of foreign nations and international law.

By Pete Winn at

Elena Kagan, President Barack Obama’s choice to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court, is best known for moving Harvard Law School away from the 100-year old “case-law method” of legal study.

But in the process, critics say, she moved the nation’s premier law school away from requiring the study of constitutional law towards the study of the laws of foreign nations and international law.

As dean, Kagan won approval from the faculty in 2006 to make major changes to the Harvard Law’s curricula.

“My understanding is that she instituted three new courses to the required curriculum and, in so doing, got rid of a requirement to take constitutional law,” Robert Alt, senior legal fellow and deputy director of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation, told

“Currently, at Harvard, constitutional law is not required for first-year law students, or even for graduation,” Alt added.


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